Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maternity Pics!

I had the pleasure to photographing my sister-in-law's cute little baby bump. Only three weeks to go until I get to meet my new little niece or nephew!

It's Senior Portrait Season!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Message That Flows

It's important for a business to have it's marketing campaign flow and not looked pieced together. A company's website, business cards, flyers, rack cards, etc must match in order to help with its branding and company image. An example of creating marketing fluidity is with my client, Econ-O-Fab Buildings. You can view Econofab's website at www.EconofabBuildings.com and see how the flyer and rack card that I created below match their website.

If you need help creating a fluid campaign, give me a call...I can help!